I've mentioned that I hate winter right?? Yea well the feeling has grown stronger I think, especially since it's always a struggle for me to dress nicely in the winter. Well I've come up with a plan, actually I've been doing this for a while I've just never made a post on it. I LOVE BOLD LIPSTICKS. I think they make every outfit awesome, even if it's a super casual outfit. I've always loved lip gloss and lipsticks, but since I'm older I can experiment with really great colors instead of having a million lip glosses that all come out clear. Right now I just have a lot of really cheap lipsticks, but I'm going to start building a better collection soon. I also want to playing with other make up more, so I bought an eyeshadow palette and what now, now I just have to practice!
Ciao bellas,
My favs are the red, dark purple, and sparkly lip gloss, but I love all of them. |
P.S- Got an iphone, so say hello to instagram woot woooot!
stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to show some blog luv! def enjoyed this post! def like instigram pics